Weekend Update - busy busy busy

This weekend was an incredibly full one! I had a lot of fun and there is lots to share.

This weekend unofficially started on Thursday night when I met up with some girls to see Bridesmaids.
Here is a little snippet of that:

*btw- just watched like 6 trailers to find the best one to post. It made me happy.

Then Friday night I went to a taping of the X-Factor with a friend from church and one of her friends. The X-Factor is basically Simon Cowell's new American Idol. It was very interesting being behind-the-scenes of the show and seeing it from a different perspective than on TV. I was actually surprised at how BAD some of the performers were. They had to make it through a few rounds of auditions before making it in front of Simon and Paula and friends. Some of them were laughably bad, some were like oh-I-am-so-embarrassed-for-you bad, others were mediocre. A few were great. It was a really cool experience and I will have to watch the show in September to see if I can find myself in the crowd and to see what actually makes it on TV!

Then Saturday morning my cousins came over for brunch. I made homemade waffles and vanilla sauce, and basically had a toppings bar for them; bananas, peanut butter, chocolate chips, blueberries, strawberries, cool whip, and syrup. It was delish! :) Then we headed out to HomeGoods and World Market for some shopping! (Sorry no pics of that)

Sunday was a pretty low-key day for me. I spent some time at the dog park with the girls and then gave them a bath when we got home. I spent about an hour reading outside on my patio. It was SO nice to finally be able to take advantage of the nice space we have out there! Then, Sunday evening I headed over to Alli's house for a pizza-party bridal shower. Alli is a master party coordinator - every detail was perfect! The pizza party theme was so cute - she had cafe' tables with candles and red-checked tablecloths set up in her living room. The tables of girls got to make their own pizzas! It was adorable! I didn't take any pictures unfortunately, but as soon as some go up on facebook I will steal them! :) 


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