Emmy Fashion - hits and misses!

Can you smell it in the air? Its AWARDS SEASON! I love televised awards shows for no other reason than to see what everyone is wearing. Most of the time the shows themselves are rather dull and drawn out, but there is so much to look at! I am also a firm believer in "You put yourself on TV, therefore I can judge you by your appearance". And so, let us begin:
First, you all have to see what was easily the most hilarious part of the night (no thanks to any hosts or presenters!)

Was that not fantastic? LOVE it. Ok, now onto official business.
Emily Blunt - just beautiful

Evan Rachel Wood - the girl knows how to rock a black dress

Katie Holmes - Critics thought it was too casual, but I think she looked adorable

Kelly Osborne - I am choosing to ignore the gray hair and focus solely on her fabulous dress

Nina Dobrev - one of the most interesting red dresses of the night (and there were ALOT of red ones)

Aubrey Plaza - might be my best of the best for the night

Sofia Vegara - Can she do no wrong????

Kate Winslet - just a true, classy, real beauty
Now for those that I just wasn't sure about. You be the judge if there were fabulous or fashion flops.
Dot Marie Jones. I know she's all being true to who she is, which is why I think it might be fab. But, could she have least gone with a more glam material if she was gonna rock a suit; maybe satin or something sparkly??

Jayma Mays. I want to re-make the top half of this dress and sex it up a little bit- like take off the sleeves! The waist down though, I am really digging

Heidi Klum - I love that she is supporting Christian Siriano (fierce!) BUT I don't think I love this dress... at all.

Julie Bowen - people seemed to have very strong feelings one way or another about this dress. I don't - so what do you think?

Kerry Washington. She vamped it up... maybe too much?

Love Melissa McCarthy. Love that she designed her own dress. Don't love the dress.... something about the waist line and the sleeves.

Diana Aragon. Love the color - but it looks like she has it on backwards.

Lea Michelle - I like her. I hate sculptural shoulders on anyone.
Bonus Category before worst.... the Boob awards:
Biggest Offender: Honey - you HAVE TO WEAR A BRA.

Christina Hendricks - girl crush! And this is how you display the girls - properly supported!
And, drum roll please....... WORST DRESSED:
Amy Poehler - this hurts my heart a little. I love Amy so much... and she took a risk. But it was a bad one.

Eva La Rue - she has a totally banging body and put it in this peach/flesh tone bedazzeled disaster that does her NO justice.

Elizabeth Moss: I think my biggest problem here is with her styling - I mean can we come out of Mad Men for an awards show? And I don't like that her dress kind of blends in with her skin... but that was probably intentional.

Gwyneth Paltrow - Why?

Heather Morris - 1 earring, 1 sky high pouf, and 65978509840967540 ruffles. No.

Julianne Margulies. This dress was called both a lampshade and a Judy Jetson dress while we were watching the Emmys.

Taraji P. Hensen. What makes me SO mad is that I KNOW this woman can dress herself very well. Everything is bad about this; hair, make up, and the unflattering dress.


Lauren Drugan said...

Amy's dress looks like it came from the set of The Fifth Element. Good for sci-fi comedy, bad for Emmy's. Wish she would have glammed-up a bit.

And Melissa's, well... it made me sad. I think it's rad that she designed her own dress but it did absolutely nothing to flatter her figure. In fact, I think it made her look way worse than, say, a t-shirt and jeans would have. So that was disappointing.

I missed the show but feel like I was right alongside with your recap - thanks! :)

Janna said...

Do you think some of these actresses ever dress badly on purpose? I mean, they must have to dress up for TV all the time. I know I would get sick of it.
Maybe some of the designers do it out of spite - you know, they say, "hey, make me a dress for the Emmys; whatever you want," and then never look at it until the night of (?).
Maybe I'm just imposing my own opinions on them, because I definitely would get sick of it... Or I would just wear jeans and a t-shirt. :-)

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