InstaWeek! (Double Feature!)

I missed out on this post last week - so you get a double dose of my Instagram weeks!
Getting the itch for a new tat - but no, I wouldn't actually put it on my hand.

Feeling like a rock star in my sunglasses (which I have already lost - *facepalm*)

My sweet sis-in-law looking beautiful! I think her b/f thinks so too ;)

And adorable couple! (I wish you could see her shoes! They are red and awesome! I found them for her, but Instagram crops photos short. Bummer)

It was "High School Clique" day at my hub's office. They chose to be nerds - fitting for accountants. He's in the middle and unfortunately his feet got cut off in the pic too - he was rocking Birkenstocks with white socks. I'm so proud. :)
A freshly bathed, still wet Iz looking pitiful and wanting to jump on my bed full of clean laundry

Got my Hunger Games shirt in the mail! So excited!!

Remembering my mama on 3/13. Can't believe it's been 15 years. This pic was taken on our last vacation to Sedona, AZ and Las Vegas.

Clearly my dogs have a thing for clean laundry. Sophie snoring away on my clean clothes. She was seriously snoring too - there's a 30-second video at the bottom of this post!

Showing my Irish pride :)

My sis-in-law Katie did my hair - I love it long!!!
My delicate flower... :)


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