It's award show season again! Last year, I kind of laid off the best/worst dressed lists, but ya know, I kind of missed being overly critically of celebrities, so I am back at it again! The popularity contest du jour was the People's Choice Awards - I literally know nothing about this awards show, nor did I watch it. However, I did sufficiently stalk the internet looking for red-carpet photos and boy-oh-boy, if this is a sneak peak of awards shows to come, I am excited!
Black and white seemed to rule the red carpet last night (perhaps as an
effort to class up the joint) with the occasionally pop of neon or a
pastel (think spring yellow or mint). There were the typical frothy, cupcake-y frocks and some figure-hugging stunners. Plus, the men made quite a good showing!
So, without further adieu, may I present the first Best/Worst Dressed of 2013!
Critics did not love Ellen Pompeo's white maxi, but I think it is a classy look and flatters her waif-ish figure. |
Melissa Rauch looked like a little blonde, busty ray of sunshine. Love it. |
Mae Whitman - keeping it classy in an updated LBD. Sometimes simple is the way to go, now only if she had brushed her hair... |
Black and white perfection. Regina King looks stunning! |
Say what you want about the Willis/Moore clan, this girl can rock a dress. Rumer Willis |
Taylor Swift? Is that you? You look sexy for once and not at all princess-y. It's a nice departure. Harry Styles, Conner Kennedy, Jake Gyllenhal, John Mayer... and whomever else you may have broken up with... eat your heart out! |
Kaley Cuoco. Critics also were not in love with the peachy, fluffy dress that Big, Bang Theory beauty wore, but I disagree. I think she looks ethereal and adorable. |
Men of the Red Carpet:
Let's take a quick look and some of the foxy men who dressed to impress last night.
Eddie Redmayne. Critics said he looked like an extra from Downton Abbey, well hey - it works for me hunny. You rock that tweed! |
So, there's nothing really special about this suit, except for the fact that it is on Ian Somerhalder. |
Jensen Ackles rocking the aubergine - a fun departure from the standard navy/black/grey. |
And just to prove that men can mess up too - even if they are beautiful:
JD Pardo - you may recognize him from Revolution or the half-vamp in Breaking Dawn - but here he looks more like he is wearing a 1920's gangster costume with the cut of this suit. And he's just so pretty... such a shame. |
And - drum roll please - the first batch of Worst Dressed!
Erin Hayes. From the waist up - perfection.... the waist down looks like she got caught in a paper shredder prior to her arrival. |
Heidi Klum. No, she doesn't look bad at all. I am just sick of seeing her in these dresses. We know you are hot, just stop. Also, the cut out kind of look like open wounds to me - perhaps I watch to many zombie shows... |
Karina Smirnoff. Perhaps you could've left the Zorro-lingerie at home and worn a dress? |
I don't know who this girl is - but I want to smack her for wearing those stupid gold tennis shoes with that adorable dress. |
Kristen Kreuk - early 90's mother-of-the-bride bomb. |
Molly C. Quinn. When I saw this I almost cried. This girl is SO cute. Please someone get her a stylist! This literally looks like a bridesmaid dress my mom wore in the early 90's - all the way down to the sheer black hose! |
Morena Baccarin. This is one gorgeous woman... this pantsuit/jumpsuit thing is not working for her. It's too long, that swag across the middle does nothing for her. It's just sad. |
Good Lord - why is Paris Hilton even allowed out of her house? |
Tracey Spiridakos. This one is a huge disappointment. This girl is gorgeous on Revolution where she has minimal make up and usually dirt on her, but give her an opportunity to dress up and this is what happens? Maybe it looked better in person? |
Olivia Munn. This looks like the ugly cousin of Regina King's dress. There is just a lot going on here, and none of it good. |
So what are your thoughts? Anyone else stand out to you? Agree/Disagree with my picks? Let me know in the comments!
I am going to preface by saying these are some of my favorite posts of yours. Mostly because I never know anything about any of this, AND (my most favorite)because all of your sarcasm at its best comes out. :-)
Here are my thoughts
- Love Melissa's dress. I would wear it if I could pull it off. I want to be sunshine!
- I think Eddie Redmayne could wear pretty much anything and have me like him. Be shocked. I actually am, because he is SO not my type. I just can't help it. He's hot (but I think he knows it, and that makes me not like him).
- I physically shuddered at JD Pardo. Seriously.
- Yup. The golden tennies ruin that dress. *sigh*
- My favorite comment: the paper shredder. Laughed OUT LOUD!! :-)
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