I had so much fun watching the red carpet with my mama-in-law on Sunday. Between her and the online chatter with her girlfriends, it makes for quite the entertaining evening. About a half dozen women (and sometimes spouses), give or take one or two at any time, chime in on their favorite looks throughout the night. Our facebook thread had over 1,000 comments by the end of the night. Here are some of the most notable looks of the night, with my opinions, because well, it's my blog :)
Amy Poehler - not only is this woman funny, she's sexy too! I loved the "husband and wife" look that her and Tina Fey pulled on the red carpet. This is one time that pants worked for me! |
Claire Danes. Good grief, this woman gave birth a MONTH ago. Stunning, just stunning. |
Hayden Panetierre - looking lovely in pastel pink. This could be the best I have ever seen her look - she often has questionable taste. :) |
Helen Mirren - can I be her when I grow up? This woman is aging flawlessly. |
Mrs. Ben Affleck - ravishing in red. |
Jessica Alba - I love every bit of this look - down to the feathered handbag - ok - ESPECIALLY the feathered handbag. Old Hollywood beauty right here. |
Julianne Hough. I loved this from the punk faux hawk hair down the the poofy layers of tulle. I thought this was stunning! |
Lucy Liu. This was a dress that some of us loved, some of us hated. Me = LOVE LOVE LOVE. I'd like an excuse to wear this dress. |
Sally Field. This dress is gorgeous, flattering, and she looked radiant |
Tina Fey "Wife" to Amy Poehler's "husband" :) |
Zooey Deschanel. I love this girl and all of her retro, adorkable, quirkiness. I thought she looked amazing. |
Taylor Swift - who are you and what have you done with your princess dresses? I love this dramatic departure! |
Not a best dressed, I just like that these two women actually seem to like each other - because I love them both, even if they choose odd dresses. :) |
And now for the fun part - let's judge away folks!
Worst Dressed:
Debra Messing - not terrible, but really, really not flattering. Looking a little trash-bag chic a la Kesha. |
Emily Blunt. Pretty girl. Ugly dress. Always a tragedy. I mean, what color is this exactly? Lettuce? Soy bean? Either way - it leaves a bad taste. |
Shiny dresses are dangerous. She looks like she should be going to a sci-fi formal. |
Eva Longoria - I get it, you are hot. This is trying too hard. She is showing more leg than Angelina, cleavage, and oh, by the way, this dress is basically backless. Cover up sweetie, we know you are pretty. |
Guilianna Ransic. It's like a Victorian Geisha on Halloween - or is that just me? |
Halle Berry. Again with the leg. Plus the color looks a little like watercolor vomit. AND that top makes her boobs look uneven - most women strive for the opposite. |
Jennifer Lawrence. Now - before ya'll get angry here - this dress photographs much better than it films. What you can't really tell from this pic is that her boobs look like they are in Madonna cone bra. I love everything else about this look - the color, the drama, the metallic belt... but I can't forgive crimes against the girls. |
Speaking of crimes against the girls, Jessica Chastain. It would be a huge NO-NO to let them look like they are sitting on your waist. I thought the color of this dress was gorgeous on her, but it just needed to be pulled up in the front - those ruffle things are doing her no favors. |
JLo - I am having a little deja vu here - Haven't we seen this look on her about a 1000 times? I am over it. |
Jodi Foster. It's all just a little severe... |
Julia Loius Dreyfus. Just eh. It's a pretty dress - but it is so dull and I don't like how the little waistband cuts her off. |
Kaley Cuoco. I love this girl, alot, which makes me sad when she looks so bad. The dress is pretty-ish, but the styling! Ah! Plus, is anyone else sick of nude dresses? Can we bring color back please?! |
Kate Beckinsale ran out of time to get ready, so she just grabbed my mom's curtains from 1992. |
Kristen Bell. So cute. But the poor little thing looks like she is chained into her dress. If this had been strapless, I think it would have been one of my faves from the night... instead it's got chain mail on the top. |
Oh Lady Mary... this dress just confuses me, but wow, she is pretty. |
Nicole Kidman. Perhaps she gets the award for "most improved, but not quite there" |
Oliva Munn. I don't know why, maybe its the characters she plays, but I really do not like this girl. Plus, she wears stupid tube tops to awards shows. |
Rachel Weisz. There is almost too much pretty in this picture, but I really dislike sheer. If this dress were a mini and it cut off when the sheer starts I would love it, probably to the point that I would actually wear it, but the sheer skirt kills it for me. |
Rosario Dawson. This photo looks more flattering than any live shot of this dress. It makes her girls look all smushed in and the shape of the dress isn't flattering her curvy figure. |
Sienna Miller. Looks like an extra on Rowen and Martin's Laugh In. I really hate this look. a lot. |
So what do you think? Agree, disagree? Who would be your best and worst dressed?
And, since I think that I could do better styling than these actors' stylists, stay tuned for later this week when I re-dress some of my Worst looks (because I've got time for that! ha!)
I LOVE Taylor Swift's dress... I definitely want to wear that one. I totally agree with you on Eva Longoria. I thought the same thing when I saw her presenting. Couldn't watch the whole thing though... Downton Abbey was on!
Nicole Kidman needs to eat a sandwich. Just sayin' :) Love Claire Danes.
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