New Year's Resolutions!

Now, I know that New Year’s Resolutions are not for everyone and that some people (like my loving husband) seem to think that they are pointless. I, however, do not think they are pointless and am going to make some! I am sharing them here to be accountable to them. I am not going to be a January gym addict that gives up at Valentine’s day (but gosh will I be thankful when the rest of them do!) 

I am looking at this time of year as a time to re-evaluate myself, my character, and my goals and as a time to start fresh with a clean slate. 2012 is going to be a promising, positive, and successful year.  So, as a part of my clean slate of 2012, here are my resolutions: 

First, lose that last 10lbs and get to my goal weight and be overall healthier! (I know, I know, it is everyone’s NYR to lose weight, it is still a good one!) 

Try one new recipe a month OR make one pinterest project per month AND blog about it
Read 52 books this year. (I came close with 39 last year! I think with my new Kindle I can make it!) 

Keep a journal 

Get out of debt and stick to a budget

Be more involved in church

Read my Bible daily 

Have a more adventurous spirit – anyone who knows me, knows that I am more of a homebody and I need to get out there more and just be more up for new stuff! 

How about ya’ll? Any goals for your new year? Or like my hubs, are NYRs pointless to you?


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