Guys, sometimes this whole blogging this is really hard.
I mean, yes, I have been super busy as of late, but it is
more than that.
I stress over the content here. I adore reading other blogs,
but I have little confidence that anything I say is readable. I am not very
funny, not very witty, and don’t have any type of platform to tout products or
anything else.
I feel extraordinarily ordinary. And most days, really, I am
A-OK with ordinary.
But is ordinary worth blogging?
What about those really tough, but still ordinary seasons of
Weeks when people you love are exceptionally hard on you for
no good reason. The weeks you disappoint yourself. The days you cannot stand to
look in a mirror. Those times that if one more person asks you to do something
you will just scream. I have had a lot of these lately. I have had no desire to
string words together and plaster them up on the internet, because why? I have
nothing positive of note to say. I don’t want to be a whiny blogger and just
express my feelings when things are tough or I am down. And my gosh, if I have
to take one more selfie…
But at the same time, I want to be authentic and real
because that is what I love so much about some of my favorite bloggers. They
keep it real yo.
So in the spirit of authenticity – life has been hard. I am tired. Eh - more than tired, weary. I
have not wanted to blog. I have not wanted to take pictures of myself. I’ve
taken some hits to my self esteem (honestly, sometimes I amaze myself for the
amount of self-confidence I do have). I’ve worried more than my norm. I have
hit my stress limits on all fronts; work, school, and home.
But today – I see the light at the end of the tunnel.
I have been taking care of myself a bit better and hitting
the pavement again. I am feeling stronger and blissfully sore again. I am
almost done with another class and that much closer to my Masters. The winter
has finally broke and Spring is here. I am going to be practicing a little more
self-love and taking more time to appreciate my accomplishments rather than
just plowing ahead to the next thing. I am setting a new intention for the rest
of the year; to love my whole self.
I don’t know what that might look like yet – I do know that
I need to holistically care for myself; mind, body, and soul. Maybe a little
more exercise, a little more reflection, possibly some journaling, hopefully a
little less stress and anxiety, and a little more confidence perhaps?
What do you do to love yourself and renew mind/body/spirit?