Weekend Catch-up

Oh gosh, I feel like this weekend absolutely flew by. It hasn't even really registered that today is Monday, and it is nearly Tuesday!

Christmas came a little early at our house this year. The tree is trimmed, presents wrapped, and I am basking in it all right now. I promise though, no decorating posts until after Thanksgiving! :)

I packed a lot into Saturday, including the aforementioned decorating. I also cleaned, took the pups to the park, bathed them, and completely kicked my husband's shoe collection out of our shared closet. I'd say it was quite the productive day - plus a couple episodes of Dr. Who thrown in there made it quite enjoyable as well.

Yesterday was truly a day of rest. It was so nice, and probably the last restful weekend we will have for awhile. Lots of plans coming up in the next few weeks, so hopefully lots of blogs to look forward too!

Well, that's all for now, I have a very sleepy pup in my lap and a very busy week ahead of me!


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