Book Review Bonanza

I am almost halfway to achieving a New Year's Goal! Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, it's the book-reading one. Of all the resolutions I made this is probably the least important/worthwhile one, but oh well, it's been my favorite to strive towards! I just hit #23 of my goal of 52 books to read this year. I am right on track as it's the fifth month of the year and I am just under halfway there. I haven't done any book reviews lately, so I am going to do a reviewing blitz and tell you in one sentence what I thought of the last several books I have read. Ready. Set. Go!
Whew - Anybody read any of these? Love 'em, hate 'em, take 'em or leave 'em? Share your thoughts with me! 


Brittney said...

So I needed something short and easy to read in the sun and you made "The Giver" sound interesting so I just started it! I don't think I ever read it in school and it's really good so far. Thanks for the recommendation!!

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