SAG Awards Red Carpet

I am a little slow on my fashion post this week! I watched the SAG Awards at home, rather than at my in-laws, and sadly, I had to watch it streaming online. That was totally not up to par with my standard viewing experiences and I completely missed out on the E! Red Carpet... so sad, but there was an ice storm and believe it or not, I value my life more than a red carpet. :)
First off, let me proudly award Most Improved to Jessica Chastain!
Let's revisit her Globes disaster:

And, the vast improvement for the SAGs:
Definitely one of the best dressed of the night in Alexander McQueen

And other beauties who got it right and are my "Best Dressed" are....
Amanda Seyfried (One of my aging buddies!) - What a stunner - from that hair to that navy dress and the unexpected long necklace... swoon. Gorg.

Helen Hunt. She looks like she is wearing liquid platinum. Perfection from head to toe. (And omg - she's 49 years old, how amazing is that?)

From one precious metal to another - We have Jennifer Garner looking radiant in gold!

Mayim Bailik. I think this is my favorite look on her ever! The color is absolute perfection with her skin and hair, plus the fit is amazing. This is modesty done right folks.

Marian Cotillard. This is just perfection.

Nina Dobrev. I think she is stunning and love that she went bold with the hot pink. It's subltly sexy with the little peek-a-boo panel on the side without being in-your-face.

Tina Fey - hot mama! Love the old Hollywood hair and simple glamor.

And here's a couple who I couldn't quite say were the worst of the night, but something is just off...
Ariel Winter. Something just looks weird here, someone tell me what it is...

JLaw - and this is how we still look stunning while sick with pneumonia.

Kaley Cuoco. Love the dress... something weird is happening with her hair. It's a little "helmet head" for me.

Julia Stiles... you are only 32 - why do you look so old? Love the dress, but the styling of this really, really aged her beautiful face.
And now.... drum roll please.... The Worst looks of the SAGs:
I adore Anne H athaway. I hate this dress. She can do so much better!

Claire D anes... ok now I believe you have a 6 week old. This dress looks half-hearted, plus that dark makeup makes her look exhausted (and hey - that's ok! who wouldn't be with a newborn?)

Edie Falco. This reminds me of the giant spiderweb that Frodo gets caught in in LOTR.

January Jones. blech. I think if she had left the bouffant hair and Victorian neckline and orange lipstick at home this would've worked better.

Julie Bowen. A leather dress? No.

Rose Byrne - reminds me of a sea slug (see below)
Sea slug - apparently the inspiration for Rose's dress.

Sofia Vegara. Usually I love this va-va-voom beauty, but I just think it looks like that sea-sail dress Ariel whips together on the beach before she meets Eric. (See below)

Morena Baccarin - gorgeous woman. What the heck is happening with this dress. It's like pond scum is flowing out of her hips - it is just so strange!
And the #1 worst offender : Julianne Moore. You don't let your girls sag at the SAGs! It's just so easy. And applique flowers? honestly...

Who do you think is best/worst of the night? Agree with my picks?

Can't wait for the Oscars! :)


B. Wilson @ Windy {City} Wilsons said...

I think Claire Danes looks a little throwback to My So-Called Life. Dislike.

I'd look hilariously terrible in that dress, but Mayim Bialik looks great!

AlliFerg said...

I love the navy Amanda (can't spell her last name) is wearing!

Sara SHOEmaker said...

yes yes I love seeing best and worst dressed! I could read this stuff all day. I think it's pretty serendipitous that you mentioned LOTR and I am literally watching it as I type this. meant to be. anyway, I love the Inception girl's dress most I think. but blehh there are a lot of fashion misses rather than hits here!

The House of Shoes

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