Book: Once Upon a Marigold

Christian is gaga for Princess Marigold. But he's just a commoner, and no match for royalty. Heck, he lives in a cave with a troll! And now he's discovered another reason to put his love-soggy heart on ice: Queen Olympia is scheming to take over the kingdom--and she'll bump off her own daughter to do it. Can Christian foil her diabolical plans? (from Goodreads)

If I had to describe this book in one word it would be delightful. 

It is a very easy read, probably jr. high level along the lines of Ella Enchanted. It was whimsical, light, humorous, and innocent. Sometimes it is nice to just read a fairy tale, and that is exactly what this is. No dystopian setting, no zombies, no love triangles - just pure fairy tale fun with a love story and characters that just want to do the right thing. It was refreshingly delightful. 

Or as my favorite review on Goodreads from Rachel says:  "This book was a bunny rabbit. Cute, fluffy and made me want to snuggle."   5/5 stars from me. It was exactly what I expected (and needed). 


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